
This is the introduction file and I have to write somethign at some point in time here Now, this software is used to for conducting analysis on accelerating cavities. Eigenmode analysis, wakefield analysis, multipacting analysis and general post-processing.

Each module performs a different operation. The analysis that are currently supported in this module are eigenmode analysis, wakefield analysis, and multipacting analysis.

  • Eigenmode analysis - SLANS :cite:p:`SLANS`

  • Wakefield analysis - ABCI :cite:p:`ABCI`

  • Multipacting analysis - Multipac

  • Optimisation - Python

  • Uncertainty quantification - Python

  • Postprocessing - Python

Eigenmode Analysis

Eigenmode analysis is performed using the SLANS electromagnetic code. The code also calculates most of the figures of merit. Some postprocessing is, however, required to transform them to the form that is used in most papers related to accelerating cavities design.

The SUPERLANS code is intended to calculate azimuthal-homogenous modes in axissymmetric cavities, periodical structure, and cut-off frequencies in long homogenous waveguides :cite:p:`SLANS`. SLANS is written by Sergey Belomestnykh and it consists of a set of executable files for differnt purposes. The first of these is the genmesh.exe which reads a geometry file <filename>.geo written using Python and generates the mesh file which is a .gem file and some other related files. slansre.exe is then called to run the eigenmode simulation and the results are output to specified folder.

The files output by the SLANS codes are basically three types

  • binary files:

  • text files: which can be read by regular text editors

  • meta files

The inputs and output files of the various SLANS codes are given below:


It is planned that in future releases, all analysis codes will be custom codes written in Python.

Wakefield Analysis

Wakefield analysis is performed using the ABCI (Azimuthal Beam Cavity Interaction) code written by Yang Ho Chin :cite:p:`ABCI`. It solves the Maxwell equations directly in the tiem domain when a bunched beam goes through an axi-symmetric structure on or off axis. It can be found here.


It is planned that in future releases, all analysis codes will be custom codes written in Python.

Multipacting Analysis

Multipacting simulations are performed using Multipac code by . The software can be obtained as described here. Multipac is a set of executable files and MATLAB codes.


It is planned that in future releases, all analysis codes will be custom codes written in Python.


Optimisation is done using self-written Python codes which call to the previously mentioned analysis codes. Currently, brute force and Genetic Algorithm (GA) optimisations are supported. More should be included in future releases.

Uncertainty Quantification

Uncertainty quantificaion (UQ) is done using self-written Python codes which call to the previously mentioned analysis codes. The procedure followed is described in here. The mathematics can be found in the theory section.