Source code for analysis_modules.cst_results_analysis.calculate_impedance

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mplcursors
from icecream import ic

c0 = 299792458
mu0 = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7
imp_cal = 1

[docs]def get_var(var, assembly): result = [] for nn, res_folder in enumerate(assembly): result.append(pd.read_csv(fr"{res_folder}\{var}", sep='\t', header=None)) result = pd.concat(result, ignore_index=True) return result
[docs]def get_field(folder, var): return pd.read_csv(fr"{folder}\{var}", sep='\t', header=None)
if __name__ == '__main__': # rf0 = r'D:\CST Studio\Hook Coupler Study\3. Optimize Hook Coupler Geometry\E_C3794\Export' rf0 = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795\Export' rf1 = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_from_1433MHz\Export' rf2 = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_from_1700MHz\Export' rf3 = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_from_2100MHz\Export' rf4 = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_from_2407MHz\Export' rf01hc = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_4HC\Export' rf02hc = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_4HC_from_1493MHz\Export' rf03hc = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_4HC_from_1700MHz\Export' rf04hc = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_4HC_from_2005MHz\Export' rf379401hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized\Export' rf379402hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1000MHz\Export' rf379403hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1250MHz\Export' rf379404hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1425MHz\Export' rf379405hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1597MHz\Export' rf379406hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1697MHz\Export' rf379407hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_1834MHz\Export' rf379408hc = r'D:\CST Studio\3. W\Assembly\E_3794_4HC_1FPC_Optimized_from_2000MHz\Export' # plot all names = ["C3795_4DQW", "C3795_4HC", "C3794_4HC"] assemblies = [[rf0, rf1, rf2, rf3, rf4], [rf01hc, rf02hc, rf03hc, rf04hc], [rf379401hc, rf379402hc, rf379403hc, rf379404hc, rf379405hc, rf379406hc, rf379407hc, rf379408hc]] n_modes_list = [[37, 100, 89, 100, 200], [35, 100, 90, 100], [100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 150, 150, 100]] # # plot all # names = ["C3795_4DQW", "C3795_4HC"] # assemblies = [[rf0, rf1, rf2, rf3, rf4], [rf01hc, rf02hc, rf03hc, rf04hc]] # n_modes_list = [[37, 100, 89, 100, 200], [35, 100, 90, 100]] # # plot all # names = ["C3795_4DQW"] # assemblies = [[rf0, rf3]] # n_modes_list = [[37, 100]] # # plot all # names = ["C3795_4HC"] # assemblies = [[rf02hc]] # n_modes_list = [[100]] # # plot all # names = ["C3795_4HC"] # assemblies = [[rf01hc]] # n_modes_list = [[35]] # Plot c3794 # names = ["C3794_4HC"] # assemblies = [[rf379401hc, rf379402hc, rf379403hc, rf379404hc, rf379405hc, rf379406hc, rf379407hc, rf379408hc]] # n_modes_list = [[100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 150, 150, 100]] # rf04hc_mon_pass = r'D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\E_C3795_long_passband\Export' # names = ['C3795'] # assemblies = [[rf04hc_mon_pass]] # n_modes_list = [[44]] for a, assembly in enumerate(assemblies): # assembly = [rf0] # result_folders = [rf0, rf1, rf2, rf3, rf4] modes = n_modes_list[a] freq_all = get_var("Frequency (Multiple Modes).txt", assembly) # ic(freq_all) mode_num = np.shape(freq_all)[0] freq_all = freq_all.iloc[:, 1] * 1e6 # second column is frequency: 1e6 for MHz and 1e9 for GHz V_z, VT_x, VT_y = [], [], [] n = 0 for i, freq in enumerate(freq_all): if i < sum(modes[0:n+1]): Ex = get_field(assembly[n], fr"e_X (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Ey = get_field(assembly[n], fr"e_Y (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Ez = get_field(assembly[n], fr"e_z (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Hx = get_field(assembly[n], fr"h_X (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Hy = get_field(assembly[n], fr"h_Y (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Hz = get_field(assembly[n], fr"h_z (Z)_Mode {i - sum(modes[0:n]) + 1}.txt") Z_axis = Ex.iloc[:, 0] * 1e-3 # 1e-3 to convert mm to m # ic(Z_axis) # ic(Ex) v_z = np.trapz((Ez.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Ez.iloc[:, 2]) * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freq * Z_axis / c0), Z_axis) vt_x = np.trapz((Ex.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Ex.iloc[:, 2] - c0 * mu0 * (Hy.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Hy.iloc[:, 2])) * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freq * Z_axis / c0), Z_axis) vt_y = np.trapz((Ey.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Ey.iloc[:, 2] + c0 * mu0 * (Hx.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Hx.iloc[:, 2])) * np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freq * Z_axis / c0), Z_axis) V_z.append(v_z) VT_x.append(vt_x) VT_y.append(vt_y) if i == sum(modes[0:n+1]) - 1: n += 1 # change ic(V_z) ic(abs(Ez.iloc[:, 1] + 1j * Ez.iloc[:, 2])) ic(Ez.iloc[:, 1], 1j * Ez.iloc[:, 2]) ic(abs(np.array(V_z))[4]) R_Q = abs(np.array(V_z) ** 2) / (2 * np.pi * freq_all) R_Q_x = abs(np.array(VT_x) ** 2) / (2 * np.pi * freq_all) R_Q_y = abs(np.array(VT_y) ** 2) / (2 * np.pi * freq_all) R_Q_T = R_Q_x + R_Q_y # ic(R_Q_x) # pp = plt.scatter(freq_all, VT_x, label=f'{nn}', zorder=10, edgecolor='k') # mplcursors.cursor(pp) Qext_all = get_var("Q-Factor (lossy E) (Multiple Modes).txt", assembly) Qext_all = Qext_all.iloc[:, 1] Z_ = Qext_all * R_Q * 0.5 Z_T = Qext_all * R_Q_T * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * freq_all / c0 Z_export = [freq_all, R_Q_T, Qext_all, Z_T] Z_x = Qext_all * R_Q_x * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * freq_all / c0 Z_y = Qext_all * R_Q_y * 0.5 * 2 * np.pi * freq_all / c0 fs = np.linspace(min(freq_all), max(freq_all), 10000) # the frequency interval to calculate impedance from eigenmodes # fs = freq_all Z_sum_z, Z_sum_x, Z_sum_y = [], [], [] for i, freq in enumerate(freq_all): z_sum_x = 1 * Z_x[i] / (1 + 1j * Qext_all[i] * (fs / freq - freq / fs)) z_sum_y = 1 * Z_y[i] / (1 + 1j * Qext_all[i] * (fs / freq - freq / fs)) z_sum_z = 1 * Z_[i] / (1 + 1j * Qext_all[i] * (fs / freq - freq / fs)) Z_sum_x.append(z_sum_x) Z_sum_y.append(z_sum_y) Z_sum_z.append(z_sum_z) Z = sum(Z_sum_z)*1e-3 # impedance in x direction, kOhm Z_x_all = sum(Z_sum_x)*1e-3 # impedance in x direction, kOhm/m Z_y_all = sum(Z_sum_y)*1e-3 # impedance y direction, kOhm/m ZT = 0.5*(Z_x_all + Z_y_all) # impedance y direction po1 = plt.plot(fs, abs(Z), label=fr'$Z_\parallel$ {names[a]}') po2 = plt.plot(fs, abs(ZT), label=fr'$Z_\perp$ {names[a]}') # get cst calculated values Z_CST = get_var("Z_kOhm.txt", assembly).iloc[:, 1] ZT_CST = get_var("Z_T_kOhm_m.txt", assembly).iloc[:, 1] print(len(Z_CST), len(freq_all)) # po3 = plt.scatter(freq_all, Z_CST, label=fr'$Z_\parallel (CST)$ {names[a]}') # po4 = plt.scatter(freq_all, ZT_CST, label=fr'$Z_\perp (CST)$ {names[a]}') po3 = plt.scatter(freq_all, Z_*1e-3, label=fr'$Z_\parallel (CST)$ {names[a]}', edgecolors='k') po4 = plt.scatter(freq_all, Z_T*1e-3, label=fr'$Z_\perp (CST)$ {names[a]}', edgecolors='k') # save to excel # data = np.array([fs*1e-6, abs(Z), abs(ZT)]).T data = np.array([freq_all*1e-6, abs(Z_*1e-3), abs(Z_T*1e-3)]).T df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['f [MHz]', 'Z [kOhm]', 'ZT [kOhm/m]']) # ic(df) df.to_excel(fr"D:\CST Studio\5. tt\Eigenmode\Z_ZT {names[a]}.xlsx") mplcursors.cursor(po1) mplcursors.cursor(po2) mplcursors.cursor(po3) mplcursors.cursor(po4) # plt.scatter(freq_all, abs(Z_x)) # plt.scatter(freq_all, abs(Z_y)) plt.legend() plt.yscale('log')