Source code for analysis_modules.tune.tuners.pyTuner

import json
from scipy.optimize import fsolve
from termcolor import colored
from analysis_modules.eigenmode.SLANS.slans_geom_par import SLANSGeometry
from utils.file_reader import FileReader
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from utils.shared_functions import *

slans_geom = SLANSGeometry()
fr = FileReader()
file_color = 'cyan'

DEBUG = True

[docs]class PyTune: def __init__(self): self.plot = None
[docs] def tuneL(self, par_mid, par_end, target_freq, beampipes, bc, parentDir, projectDir, iter_set, proc=0, conv_list=None): # tv => tune variable indx = 5 if proc == '': fid = '_process_0' else: fid = f'_process_{proc}' # get parameters freq_list = [] tv_list = [] error = 1 slans_geom.cavity(1, 1, par_mid, par_end, par_mid, f_shift=0, bc=bc, beampipes=beampipes, proc=proc, fid=fid, parentDir=parentDir, projectDir=projectDir) dirc = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\SLANS\{fid}\cavity_{bc}.svl' d = fr.svl_reader(dirc) tv = par_end[indx] freq = d['FREQUENCY'][0] freq_list.append(freq) tv_list.append(tv) # first shot tv = tv + 2 par_end[indx] = tv tol = iter_set[1] # max_iter = iter_set[2] n = 0 f_min, f_max = 0, 0 # tv_min, tv_max = 0, 0 # control_switch = True while abs(error) > tol: # print(par_mid, par_end) # run slans cavity code slans_geom.cavity(1, 1, par_mid, par_end, par_mid, f_shift=0, bc=bc, beampipes=beampipes, proc=proc, fid=fid, parentDir=parentDir, projectDir=projectDir) # get results and compare with set value d = fr.svl_reader(dirc) freq = d['FREQUENCY'][0] freq_list.append(freq) tv_list.append(tv) # update bounds if f_min < freq < target_freq and freq > f_min: f_min = freq # tv_min = tv if target_freq < freq < f_max and freq < f_max: f_max = freq # tv_max = tv # calculate slope of line from base point to new point if freq_list[n] - freq_list[n + 1] != 0: m = (tv_list[n + 1] - tv_list[n]) / (freq_list[n + 1] - freq_list[n]) if iter_set[0] == "Linear Interpolation": # calculate new Req with straight line formula step = m * (target_freq - freq_list[n+1]) if step > 10: step = 10 if step < -10: step = -10 tv = tv_list[n+1] + step else: # newton interpolation a_s = self.divided_diff(freq_list, tv_list)[0, :] # use curve to compute for x tv = self.newton_poly(a_s, freq_list, target_freq) # change tv par_end[indx] = tv # if equal, break else continue with new shape error = target_freq - freq_list[-1] if n > 20: print('Maximum number of iterations exceeded. No solution found.') break # condition for repeated last four values if self.all_equal(freq_list[-2:]): print("Converged. Solution found.") break if tv_list[-1] < 0: print("Negative value encountered. It is possible that there no solution for the parameter input set.") break # check if Req is less than lower limit if tv < par_end[0]: print("Error: L < A. No solution.") break # check if alpha is less than or greater than 90.5 if par_mid == par_end: alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_mid[0], par_mid[1], par_mid[2], par_mid[3], par_mid[4], tv, par_mid[6], 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break else: alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_end[0], par_end[1], par_end[2], par_end[3], par_end[4], tv, par_mid[6], 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_mid[0], par_mid[1], par_mid[2], par_mid[3], par_mid[4], tv, par_mid[6], 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break # update convergence list if conv_list: conv_list[proc] = [tv_list, freq_list] # self.write_output(tv_list, freq_list, fid, projectDir) n += 1 # return best answer from iteration min_error = [abs(x-target_freq) for x in freq_list] key = min_error.index(min(min_error)) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.scatter(tv_list, freq_list) # return tv_list[key], freq_list[key]
[docs] def tuneR(self, par_mid, par_end, target_freq, beampipes, bc, parentDir, projectDir, iter_set, proc=0, conv_list=None): if proc == '': fid = '_process_0' else: fid = f'_process_{proc}' # get parameters freq_list = [] Req_list = [] error = 1 slans_geom.cavity(1, 1, par_mid, par_end, par_mid, f_shift=0, bc=bc, beampipes=beampipes, proc=proc, fid=fid, parentDir=parentDir, projectDir=projectDir) dirc = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\SLANS\{fid}\cavity_{bc}.svl' d = fr.svl_reader(dirc) Req = par_end[6] freq = d['FREQUENCY'][0] freq_list.append(freq) Req_list.append(Req) # first shot Req = Req + 5 par_end[6], par_mid[6] = Req, Req # iteration settings tol = iter_set[1] max_iter = iter_set[2] n = 0 # Req_min, Req_max = 0, 0 f_min, f_max = 0, 0 while abs(error) > tol: # run slans cavity code slans_geom.cavity(1, 1, par_mid, par_end, par_mid, f_shift=0, bc=bc, beampipes=beampipes, proc=proc, fid=fid, parentDir=parentDir, projectDir=projectDir) # get results and compare with set value d = fr.svl_reader(dirc) freq = d['FREQUENCY'][0] freq_list.append(freq) Req_list.append(Req) # update bounds if f_min < freq < target_freq and freq > f_min: f_min = freq # Req_min = Req if target_freq < freq < f_max and freq < f_max: f_max = freq # Req_max = Req # calculate slope of line from base point to new point if freq_list[n] - freq_list[n + 1] != 0: m = (Req_list[n + 1] - Req_list[n]) / (freq_list[n + 1] - freq_list[n]) if iter_set[0] == "Linear Interpolation": # calculate new Req with straight line formula Req = Req_list[n+1] + m * (target_freq - freq_list[n+1]) else: # newton interpolation a_s = self.divided_diff(freq_list, Req_list)[0, :] # use curve to compute for x Req = self.newton_poly(a_s, freq_list, target_freq) # change R par_end[6], par_mid[6] = Req, Req # if equal, break else continue with new shape error = target_freq - freq # avoid infinite loop-1 if n > max_iter: break # check if alpha is less or greater than 90.5 if par_mid == par_end: alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_mid[0], par_mid[1], par_mid[2], par_mid[3], par_mid[4], par_mid[5], Req, 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break else: alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_end[0], par_end[1], par_end[2], par_end[3], par_end[4], par_end[5], Req, 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break alpha, error_msg = calculate_alpha(par_mid[0], par_mid[1], par_mid[2], par_mid[3], par_mid[4], par_mid[5], Req, 0) if alpha < 90.0 or error_msg != 1: break # update convergence list if conv_list: conv_list[proc] = [Req_list, freq_list] n += 1 # return best answer from iteration min_error = [abs(x-target_freq) for x in freq_list] key = min_error.index(min(min_error)) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plt.scatter(Req_list, freq_list) # return Req_list[key], freq_list[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def divided_diff(x, y): """ function to calculate the divided differences table """ n = len(y) coef = np.zeros([n, n]) # the first column is y coef[:, 0] = y for j in range(1, n): for i in range(n - j): coef[i][j] = (coef[i + 1][j - 1] - coef[i][j - 1]) / (x[i + j] - x[i]) if (x[i + j] - x[i]) != 0 else 0 return coef
[docs] @staticmethod def newton_poly(coef, x_data, x): """ evaluate the newton polynomial at x """ n = len(x_data) - 1 p = coef[n] for k in range(1, n + 1): p = coef[n - k] + (x - x_data[n - k]) * p return p
# return Shape([self.A, self.B, self.a, self.b, self.r, self.l, self.R])
[docs] @staticmethod def all_equal(iterable): g = groupby(iterable) return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
[docs] @staticmethod def write_output(tv_list, freq_list, fid, projectDir): dd = {"tv": tv_list, "freq": freq_list} with open(fr"{projectDir}\SimulationData\SLANS\{fid}\convergence_output.json", "w") as outfile: json.dump(dd, outfile, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))