Source code for analysis_modules.uq.uq

import itertools
from itertools import combinations
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import qmc
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from icecream import ic
from sklearn import linear_model
from sympy import symbols

[docs]class PCE: def __init__(self, df, rand_vars, obj_vars, poly_type): self.df = df self.rand_vars = rand_vars self.obj_vars = obj_vars poly_type_dict = {"legendre": "Le", "hermite": "He", "laguerre": "La", "jacobi": "Ja" } self.poly_type = poly_type_dict[poly_type.lower()] self.pce = None
[docs] def get_pce(self, p_order=1, truncation=1): random_var_order = [p_order for v in self.rand_vars] # random_var_order = [1, 1, 1, 1] rvo = [[i for i in range(x+1)] for x in random_var_order] alpha = list(itertools.product(*rvo)) x = {} for r in self.rand_vars: x[r] = self.df[r] poly_list, poly_chaos_ex, poly_list_sym, symbols_dict = {}, {}, {}, {} ic(len(alpha)) for a in alpha: # truncate if sum(a) <= truncation: # if np.linalg.norm(a) <= truncation: ll = [] for j, i in enumerate(a): if self.poly_type.lower() == 'le': poly_list[f'{a}'] = [self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]]) for j, i in enumerate(a)] pc, sy = self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]], self.rand_vars[j]) elif self.poly_type.lower() == 'he': poly_list[f'{a}'] = [self.He(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]]) for j, i in enumerate(a)] pc, sy = self.He(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]], self.rand_vars[j]) elif self.poly_type.lower() == 'la': poly_list[f'{a}'] = [self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]]) for j, i in enumerate(a)] pc, sy = self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]], self.rand_vars[j]) elif self.poly_type.lower() == 'ja': poly_list[f'{a}'] = [self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]]) for j, i in enumerate(a)] pc, sy = self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]], self.rand_vars[j]) else: print("The polynomial type input is not recognised. It is set to Legendre by default.") poly_list[f'{a}'] = [self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]]) for j, i in enumerate(a)] pc, sy = self.Le(i, x[list(x.keys())[j]], self.rand_vars[j]) ll.append(pc) if len(symbols_dict) <= len(a): symbols_dict[sy] = 0 poly_list_sym[f'{a}'] = poly_chaos_ex[f'{a}'] = [f"pce_model.{self.poly_type}({i}, DF['{list(x.keys())[j]}'])" for j, i in enumerate(a)] # regeression _, _ = self.regression(poly_list_sym, symbols_dict) c = {} poly_sym_d = {} for ob in self.obj_vars: c[ob] = {} poly_sym = 0 ci = 0 for k, v in poly_list.items(): p =, axis=0) c[ob][k] =[ob], p)/, p) poly_sym += c[ob][k]*poly_list_sym[k] ci += 1 poly_sym_d[ob] = poly_sym # build polynomials obj_pce = {} for ob in self.obj_vars: obj_pce[ob] = ' + '.join(map(str, [f"{coeff}*{'*'.join(map(str, poly_chaos_ex[key]))}" for key, coeff in c[ob].items()])) self.pce = obj_pce return obj_pce, c
[docs] def projection(self): return
[docs] def regression(self, poly_list_sym, symbols_dict): reg = linear_model.LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True) # build matrix A = [] # print(poly_list_sym) for k, v in self.df.iterrows(): symbols_dict = self.update_symbols_dict(symbols_dict, v[self.rand_vars]) aa = [p.subs(symbols_dict) if not isinstance(p, np.int32) else 1 for p in poly_list_sym.values()] A.append(aa) poly, coef_dict = {}, {} for ob in self.obj_vars: b = self.df[ob].to_numpy(dtype='float'), dtype='float'), b.reshape(-1, 1)) coef_dict[ob] = reg.coef_.copy()[0] coef_dict[ob][0] = reg.intercept_[0] ic(reg.score(A, b)) # ic(x) poly[ob] = np.sum(np.array(list(poly_list_sym.values()))*coef_dict[ob]) symbols_dict = self.update_symbols_dict(symbols_dict, self.df.loc[1, self.rand_vars]) # ic(poly[ob].subs(symbols_dict)) self.pce = poly ic(poly) return poly, coef_dict
[docs] @staticmethod def Le(n, x, symbol=None): if symbol: sym = symbols(symbol) # sympy symbol if n == 0: return 1, sym if n == 1: return sym, sym if n == 2: return 0.5 * (3 * sym ** 2 - 1), sym if n == 3: return 0.5 * (5 * sym ** 3 - 3 * sym), sym if n == 4: return 0.125 * (35 * sym ** 4 - 30 * sym ** 2 + 3), sym else: shift = (max(x) + min(x)) / 2 scale = (max(x) - min(x)) / 2 if n == 0: return np.ones(len(x)) if n == 1: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return x if n == 2: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 0.5 * (3 * x ** 2 - 1) if n == 3: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 0.5 * (5 * x ** 3 - 3 * x) if n == 4: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 0.125 * (35 * x ** 4 - 30 * x ** 2 + 3)
[docs] @staticmethod def He(n, x, symbol=None): shift = (max(x) + min(x)) / 2 scale = (max(x) - min(x)) / 2 if n == 0: return np.ones(len(x)) if n == 1: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 2 * x if n == 2: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 4 * x ** 2 - 2 if n == 3: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 8 * x ** 3 - 12 * x if n == 4: x = (np.array(x) - shift) / scale return 16 * x ** 4 - 48 * x ** 2 + 12
[docs] def self_validation(self): # find least squares error pce_model = self DF = pd.DataFrame() # it is also important that the name is DF # change later for key, vec in self.df.items(): DF[key] = vec.to_numpy() # evaluate polynomial expansion on uq_model input dataframe if self.pce is not None: print(self.pce) for key, ob in self.pce.items(): DF[key] = eval(ob) # find difference print(self.obj_vars) for obj in self.obj_vars: diff = self.df[obj] - DF[obj] # print(diff) print(f"error norm {obj}: ", np.linalg.norm(diff))
[docs] def cross_validation(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def update_symbols_dict(sym_dict, values): assert len(sym_dict) == len(values) new_sym_list = {} for i, a in enumerate(sym_dict.keys()): new_sym_list[a] = values[i] return new_sym_list
[docs]class UQModel: def __init__(self): self.input_variable_names = None self.objective_variables = None self.input_variable_bounds = None self.input_variable_distribution = None self.var_sample_size = 1000 self.model = None self.model_input = None self.model_output = None
[docs] def run_analysis(self): """Model is a function or routine that takes in some input variables as a pandas dataframe""" # df = self.generate_input_space() # self.model_output = self.model(self.model_input, df) df_ = self.generate_input_qmc(self.var_sample_size, self.input_variable_names, self.input_variable_bounds) model_output_satelli = self.model(self.model_input, df_) # Sj = self.sobol_satelli(model_output_satelli, self.input_variable_names, self.objective_variables, 10000) # self.sobol_janon(model_output_satelli, self.input_variable_names, self.objective_variables, 10000) self.model_output = model_output_satelli return self.model_output
[docs] def set_model(self, model): self.model = model
[docs] def method(self): pass
[docs] def set_input_variables(self, dd): """Structure of dd dd = { "random variables": 'x1', 'x2', ..., 'xn', "objective variables": 'v1', 'v2', ..., 'vm', 'bounds': [[]1, []2,..., []n], 'distribution': [d1, d2, ..., dn] } } If the distribution is uniform, bounds holds a list of the lower and upper bounds of the corresponding variable, respectively. if the distribution is set to Lognormal, bounds holds a list of the mean and standard deviation of the corresponding variable, respectively """ self.input_variable_names = dd['random variables'] self.objective_variables = dd['objective variables'] self.input_variable_bounds = dd['bounds'] self.input_variable_distribution = dd['distribution'] # check input variables that all input variable dimensions are equal assert len(self.input_variable_names) == len(self.input_variable_distribution) assert len(self.input_variable_names) == len(self.input_variable_bounds) self.model_input = dd
[docs] def generate_input_space(self): var = self.input_variable_names bounds = np.array(self.input_variable_bounds) dd = {} for k, v in enumerate(var): if self.input_variable_distribution[k] == 'Uniform': dd[v] = np.linspace(min(bounds[k]), max(bounds[k]), int(self.var_sample_size)) elif self.input_variable_distribution[k] == 'Lognormal': eta = np.sqrt(np.log((bounds[k][1]/bounds[k][0])**2 + 1)) mean = np.log(bounds[k][0]) - eta**2/2 # print(mean, eta) dd[v] = np.linspace(min(bounds[k]), max(bounds[k]), int(self.var_sample_size)) # dd[v] = np.random.lognormal(bounds[k][0], bounds[k][1], self.var_sample_size) mg = np.meshgrid(*dd.values()) df = pd.DataFrame() for i, rand_var in enumerate(var): df[rand_var] = mg[i].flatten() print(df.shape) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_input_mc(N, rand_vars, bounds): D = len(rand_vars) A = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (N, D)) B = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (N, D)) # scale for i in range(D): lb, ub = bounds[i] A[:, i] = lb + A[:, i]*(ub - lb) B[:, i] = lb + B[:, i]*(ub - lb) df = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=rand_vars) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(B, columns=rand_vars)], ignore_index=True) for i in range(D): A_copy = np.copy(A) A_copy[:, i] = B[:, i] df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(A_copy, columns=rand_vars)], ignore_index=True) print(df.shape) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_input_qmc(N, rand_vars, bounds): D = len(rand_vars) l_bounds, u_bounds = np.array(bounds).T sampler = qmc.LatinHypercube(d=D) _ = sampler.reset() # generate matrix A A = sampler.random(n=N) A = qmc.scale(A, l_bounds, u_bounds) # generate matrix B B = sampler.random(n=N) B = qmc.scale(B, l_bounds, u_bounds) df = pd.DataFrame(A, columns=rand_vars) df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(B, columns=rand_vars)], ignore_index=True) for i in range(D): A_copy = np.copy(A) A_copy[:, i] = B[:, i] df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(A_copy, columns=rand_vars)], ignore_index=True) return df
[docs] def set_sample_size(self, n): self.var_sample_size = n
[docs] def example_simplySupportedBeam(self): self.input_variable_names = ['b', 'h', 'L', 'E', 'p'] self.input_variable_bounds = np.array([[0.15, 0.0075], [0.3, 0.015], [5, 0.05], [3e10, 4.5e9], [1e4, 2e3]]) n = self.var_sample_size var = self.input_variable_names var_int = self.input_variable_bounds # df = generate_sobol_sequence(5, 8, var, var_int) dd = {} for k, v in enumerate(var): dd[v] = np.linspace(min(var_int[k]), max(var_int[k]), int(n)) mg = np.meshgrid(*dd.values()) df = pd.DataFrame() for i, rand_var in enumerate(var): df[rand_var] = mg[i].flatten() b, h, L, E, p = df.to_numpy().T # The beam is considered primatic, therefore: Im = b * h ** 3 / 12 # the moment of inertia # now for the actual execution we use a vectorized formula: Y = np.zeros((len(L), 9)) for jj in range(1, 10): # calculate the xi values: xi = jj / 10 * L Y[:, jj - 1] = -p * xi * (L ** 3 - 2 * xi ** 2 * L + xi ** 3) / (24 * E * Im) Y = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=['Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4', 'Y5', 'Y6', 'Y7', 'Y8', 'Y9'])], axis=1) return Y
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_sobol_sequence(dim, index, columns, bounds): sampler = qmc.Sobol(d=dim, scramble=False) sample = sampler.random_base2(m=index) ic(qmc.discrepancy(sample)) u_bounds, l_bounds = bounds.T sample = qmc.scale(sample, l_bounds, u_bounds) # print(sample) df = pd.DataFrame(sample, columns=columns) # ic(df) # writePath = r'D:\CST Studio\Hook Coupler Study\3. Optimize Hook Coupler Geometry\dqw_random_vector.txt' # # with open(writePath, 'w') as f: # dfAsString = df.to_string(header=True, index=False) # f.write(dfAsString) return df
[docs] @staticmethod def sub_lists(ll): # initializing empty list comb = [] # Iterating till length of list for i in range(len(ll) + 1): # Generating sub list comb += [list(j) for j in combinations(ll, i)] # Returning list return comb[1:-1]
[docs] def sobol_df(self): x = self.model_input['random variables'] obj = self.model_input['objective variables'] df_ = self.model_output power_set = self.sub_lists(x) Sj = {} STi = {} for ob in obj: Sj[ob] = {} STi[ob] = {} for subset in power_set: # ic(len(power_set)) # ic(power_set) # ic(df_[ob], np.var(df_[ob])) var = np.var(df_.groupby(subset)[ob].mean()) / np.var(df_[ob]) if len(subset) == 1: # print(subset, np.var(df_.groupby(subset)[ob].mean()), np.var(df_[ob])) # if subset == ['a2']: # print(df_.groupby(subset)[ob].mean()) # print(df_[ob]) Sj[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{",".join(map(str, subset))}]]'] = var # total sobol subset_inv = [s for s in x if s not in subset] var_i = 1 - np.var(df_.groupby(subset_inv)[ob].mean()) / np.var(df_[ob]) STi[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{",".join(map(str, subset))}]]'] = var_i else: power_subset = self.sub_lists(subset) for rand_var in power_subset: var = var - Sj[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{",".join(map(str, rand_var))}]]'] Sj[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{",".join(map(str, subset))}]]'] = var return Sj, STi
[docs] def sobol_satelli(self): """ A starts from 0 to N-1 B starts from N to 2N - 1 AB0 starts from 2N to 3N - 1 """ rand_vars = self.model_input['random variables'] obj_vars = self.model_input['objective variables'] df = self.model_output N = self.var_sample_size Sj = {} STj = {} for ob in obj_vars: Sj[ob] = {} STj[ob] = {} for j, rv in enumerate(rand_vars): E2Y = (1/N)*(np.sum([df[ob][i] * df[ob][N + i] for i in range(N)])) VEx = (1/N)*np.sum([df[ob][N + i] * df[ob][(j+2)*N + i] for i in range(N)]) - E2Y EY = (1/N)*np.sum([(df[ob][i]) for i in range(N)]) VY = (1/N)*np.sum([(df[ob][i])**2 for i in range(N)]) - EY**2 EVYx = (1/N)*np.sum([(df[ob][i])**2 - df[ob][i]*df[ob][(j+2)*N + i] for i in range(N)]) # EVYx = (1/(2*N))*np.sum([(df[ob][i] - df[ob][(j+2)*N + i])**2 for i in range(N)]) Sj[ob][f"V[E[{ob}|{rv}]]"] = VEx/VY STj[ob][f"V[E[{ob}|{rv}]]"] = EVYx/VY ic(Sj) return Sj, STj
[docs] def sobol_janon(self): """ A starts from 0 to N-1 B starts from N to 2N - 1 AB0 starts from 2N to 3N - 1 """ rand_vars = self.model_input['random variables'] obj_vars = self.model_input['objective variables'] df = self.model_output N = self.var_sample_size Sj, STj = {}, {} for ob in obj_vars: Sj[ob], STj[ob] = {}, {} for j, rv in enumerate(rand_vars): E2Y = ((1/N)*(np.sum([(df[ob][N+i] + df[ob][(j+2)*N + i])/2 for i in range(N)])))**2 VEx = (1/N)*np.sum([df[ob][N + i] * df[ob][(j+2)*N + i] for i in range(N)]) - E2Y EY = ((1/N)*(np.sum([(df[ob][N+i] + df[ob][(j+2)*N + i])/2 for i in range(N)]))) VY = (1/N)*np.sum([(df[ob][N+i]**2 + df[ob][(j+2)*N + i]**2)/2 for i in range(N)]) - EY**2 EVYx = (1/N)*np.sum([(df[ob][i])**2 - df[ob][i]*df[ob][(j+2)*N + i] for i in range(N)]) # EVYx = (1/(2*N))*np.sum([(df[ob][i] - df[ob][(j+2)*N + i])**2 for i in range(N)]) Sj[ob][f"V[E[{ob}|{rv}]]"] = VEx/VY STj[ob][f"V[E[{ob}|{rv}]]"] = EVYx/VY ic(Sj) return Sj, STj
[docs] def plot_sobol(self, S, ylabel='Sobol', table=False, plot_type="Stacked"): # plot fig, ax = plt.subplots() x = self.input_variable_names obj = self.objective_variables width = 0.5 # for ob in obj: # rand_var_dict = {0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'a', 3: 'b', 4: 'Ri'} # rand_var_dict = {0: 'lh1', 1: 'lh3', 2: 'lh4', 3: 'dh3', 4: 'alpha_h', 5: 'ch2', 6: 'r_cyl', 7: 'offset_y'} rand_var_dict = {} for i, v in enumerate(x): rand_var_dict[i] = v if plot_type == "Stacked": bottom, bottom1 = np.zeros(len(obj)), np.zeros(len(obj)) for key in x: # for key in x.keys(): if key == 0:, [S[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{key}]]'] for ob in obj], width, label=r"$\mathbf{" + key + '}$') else:, [S[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{key}]]'] for ob in obj], width, label=r"$\mathbf{" + key + '}$', bottom=bottom) bottom += np.array([S[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{key}]]'] for ob in obj]) # bottom1 += np.array([STi[ob][f'V[E[{ob}|{key}]]'] for ob in obj]) ticks_loc = ax.get_xticks() ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mticker.FixedLocator(ticks_loc)) ax.set_xticklabels(obj) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) if table: self.plot_table(S, x, ax) lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if int(len(rand_var_dict.keys())) > 5: ncol = 5 else: ncol = int(len(rand_var_dict.keys())) fig.legend(lines, labels, loc="upper center", ncol=ncol, fancybox=True, shadow=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0)) # ax[0].legend(loc="upper center", ncol=int(len(rand_var_dict.keys())), bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.1), # fancybox=True, shadow=True) # ax[1].legend(loc="upper center", ncol=int(len(rand_var_dict.keys())), bbox_to_anchor=(0.0, 1.1), # fancybox=True, shadow=True) else: data = [] X = np.arange(len(x)) width = 1/(len(x) + 2) for i, ob in enumerate(obj): data = list(S[ob].values()) + i*width, data, width=width, label=ob) plt.xticks([r + width for r in range(len(x))], x) lines, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if len(x) > 5: ncol = 5 else: ncol = len(x) fig.legend(lines, labels, loc="upper center", ncol=ncol, fancybox=True, shadow=False, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.0)) # ax.set_xlim(left=0) ax.set_ylim(bottom=0) plt.tight_layout()
[docs] @staticmethod def plot_table(S, x, ax): # Add a table at the bottom of the axes cellText = [] rowLabels = [] colLabels = [] temp_col = [] n = 0 for k, v in S.items(): rowLabels.append(r"$\mathbf{" + k + '}$') temp_col, temp_cellText = [], [] for xx, xv in zip(list(v.keys()), list(v.values())): if xx in [f'V[E[{k}|{p}]]' for p in x]: temp_col.append(r"$\mathbf{" + f"{xx.replace(k, '.')}" + '}$') temp_cellText.append(r"$\mathbf{" + f"{round(xv, 4)}" + '}$') if len(temp_col) != 0: if n == 0: colLabels = temp_col cellText.append(temp_cellText) n += 1 # vals = cellText # print(cellText) # # norm = plt.Normalize(np.min(vals) - 1, np.max(vals) + 1) # # print(norm) # colours =, 0.5) rcolors =, 0.5)) ccolors =, 0.5)) # print(rowLabels, colLabels) the_table = ax.table(cellText=cellText, rowLabels=rowLabels, colLabels=colLabels, rowColours=rcolors, colColours=ccolors, # cellColours=colours, loc='bottom', bbox=[0.0, -0.35, 1, .28]) the_table.auto_set_font_size(False) the_table.set_fontsize(8) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.9)
[docs]def func(model_input, df): x = model_input['random variables'] obj = model_input['objective variables'] # The beam is considered primatic, therefore: Y = np.zeros((df.shape[0], len(obj))) for jj, ob in enumerate(obj): Y[:, jj-1] = (1 - df[x[0]]) ** 2 + 100 * (df[x[1]] - df[x[0]] ** 2) ** 2 Y = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=obj)], axis=1) return Y
[docs]def ishigami(model_input, df): x = model_input['random variables'] obj = model_input['objective variables'] # The beam is considered primatic, therefore: Y = np.zeros((df.shape[0], len(obj))) for jj, ob in enumerate(obj): a, b = 7, 0.1 Y[:, jj - 1] = np.sin(df[x[0]]) + a*(np.sin(df[x[1]]))**2 + b*df[x[2]]**4*np.sin(df[x[0]]) Y = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=obj)], axis=1) return Y
[docs]def example_simplySupportedBeam(model_input, df): x = model_input['random variables'] obj = model_input['objective variables'] b, h, L, E, p = df[x[0]], df[x[1]], df[x[2]], df[x[3]], df[x[4]] # The beam is considered primatic, therefore: Im = b * h ** 3 / 12 # the moment of inertia # now for the actual execution we use a vectorized formula: Y = np.zeros((df.shape[0], len(obj))) for jj in range(1, 10): # calculate the xi values: xi = jj / 10 * L Y[:, jj - 1] = -p * xi * (L ** 3 - 2 * xi ** 2 * L + xi ** 3) / (24 * E * Im) Y = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(Y, columns=obj)], axis=1) # print(Y) return Y
[docs]def toy_problem(model_input, df): x = model_input['random variables'] obj = model_input['objective variables'] x, y = df[x[0]], df[x[1]] f1 = 4 * x ** 2 + y ** 2 + x * y f2 = (x-1)**2 + 3*(y-1)**2 F = np.array([f1, f2]).T F = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame(F, columns=obj)], axis=1) return F
[docs]def dqw_pce_from_df(model_input, df): # create function from data input filename = fr'D:\CST Studio\Hook Coupler Study\3. Optimize Hook Coupler Geometry\DQW_Smax_Fmax_Data_11var_2p.xlsx' df_data = pd.read_excel(filename, 'Sheet1') x = model_input['random variables'] obj = model_input['objective variables'] pce_model = PCE(df_data, x, obj, 'Legendre') # it is important that the name is pce_model pce, pce_coeff = pce_model.get_pce(2, 2) pce_model.self_validation() DF = pd.DataFrame() # it is also important that the name is DF # change later for key, vec in df.items(): DF[key] = vec.to_numpy() # evaluate polynomial expansion on uq_model input dataframe for key, ob in pce.items(): DF[key] = eval(ob) return DF
if __name__ == '__main__': dd = { "random variables": ['x1', 'x2'], "objective variables": ['v1'], 'bounds': [[-2, 2], [-2, 2]], 'distribution': ['Uniform', 'Uniform'] } dd_ishigami = { "random variables": ['x1', 'x2', 'x3'], "objective variables": ['v1'], 'bounds': [[-np.pi, np.pi], [-np.pi, np.pi], [-np.pi, np.pi]], 'distribution': ['Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform'] } dd_simplySupportedBeam = { "random variables": ['b', 'h', 'L', 'E', 'p'], "objective variables": ['Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4', 'Y5', 'Y6', 'Y7', 'Y8', 'Y9'], # 'bounds': [[0.15, 0.0075], [0.3, 0.015], [5, 0.05], [3e10, 4.5e9], [1e4, 2e3]], 'bounds': [[0.1316, 0.1658], [0.264, 0.3323], [4.8986, 5.098], [2.4336e10, 3.8998e10], [7.5049e3, 1.5823e4]], 'distribution': ['Lognormal', 'Lognormal', 'Lognormal', 'Lognormal', 'Lognormal'] } dd_toyProblem = { "random variables": ['x', 'y'], "objective variables": ['f1', 'f2'], # 'bounds': [[0.15, 0.0075], [0.3, 0.015], [5, 0.05], [3e10, 4.5e9], [1e4, 2e3]], 'bounds': [[0, 1.5], [0, 1.5]], 'distribution': ['Uniform', 'Uniform'] } dd_dqw = { "random variables": ['shaft_y', 'bend_out_sec_prob_length', 'bend_out_cap_gap', 'Window_margin', 'Shift_from_center', 'Cap_y', 'Cap_thickness', 'Cap_Height', 'Cap_Gap', 'Bend_out_chamber_Length', 'BP_HOM_Penetration'], "objective variables": ['S_0', 'f_0', 'BW'], 'bounds': [[172.0, 258.0], [48.0, 72.0], [4.08, 6.12], [9.60, 14.40], [-18.0, -12.0], [-18.60, -12.4], [2.40, 3.60], [39.68, 59.52], [12.0, 18.0], [24.40, 36.6], [16.0, 24.0]], 'distribution': ['Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform', 'Uniform'] } m = UQModel() m.set_input_variables(dd_dqw) m.set_sample_size(10000) m.set_model(dqw_pce_from_df) m.run_analysis() # Sj, STi = m.sobol_df() # Sj = m.sobol_satelli() Sj, STj = m.sobol_janon() m.plot_sobol(Sj, 'Main indices', plot_type="f") m.plot_sobol(STj, 'Total indices') print(Sj) print() print(STj)