Source code for analysis_modules.wakefield.ABCI.abci_geometry

import json
import os
import subprocess
from analysis_modules.wakefield.ABCI.geometry import Geometry
from analysis_modules.wakefield.ABCI.abci_code import ABCI

[docs]class ABCIGeometry(Geometry): def __init__(self): super().__init__() # create node_editor folder on initialisation self.abci = None path = os.getcwd() path = os.path.join(path, "node_editor") if os.path.exists(path): pass else: os.mkdir(path) self.fid = 0 # initiate codes
[docs] def cavity(self, no_of_cells, no_of_modules, mid_cells_par=None, l_end_cell_par=None, r_end_cell_par=None, fid="_0", MROT=0, beampipes=None, bunch_length=50, MT=3, NFS=5000, UBT=0, DDZ_SIG=0.1, DDR_SIG=0.1, parentDir='', projectDir='', WG_M=None, marker='', sub_dir=''): # Adding parameter arguments here for testing purposes # fid, fileID self.fid = f'{fid}'.upper() # this checks whether input is from gui or from the optimisation if mid_cells_par is not None: self.set_geom_parameters(no_of_cells, mid_cells_par, l_end_cell_par, r_end_cell_par) else: self.set_geom_parameters(no_of_cells) if WG_M == '': WG_M = self.WG_L # print(WG_M) self.abci = ABCI(self.left_beam_pipe, self.left_end_cell, self.mid_cell, self.right_end_cell, self.right_beam_pipe) # output_name = 5 # SIG = 0.003 # One standard deviation of bunch length MROT = MROT # MROT = 0 for monopole fields, MROT = 1 for dipole fields # UBT = 0.3 # The last longitudinal coordinate relative to the head of the beam, # up to which the potentials are calculated (defaults 10*Sig). The longer the better resolution of impedance bunch_length = bunch_length sig_var = [x*1e-3 for x in [bunch_length]] # bunch length converted to m # not needed for our parametrization end_type = 1 # if _type = 1 the HALF cell is changed for tuning. # If _type = 2 the WHOLE cell is changed for tuning end_L = 1 # if _L = 1 the type of cell is type a (without iris) if _L = 2 the type of cell is type b end_R = 1 for i_out in range(1): # check!!! module_nu = no_of_modules # Number of cavities in module n = no_of_cells # Number of cells SIG = sig_var[i_out] # One standard deviation of bunch length mesh_DDR = DDR_SIG*SIG mesh_DDZ = DDZ_SIG*SIG # mesh_DDR = 2.5*1e-3 # mesh_DDZ = 2.5*1e-3 # UBT = 14*SIG UBT = UBT # # Beam pipe radius for Different type of transitions to beam pipe if end_L == 1: self.Rbp_L = self.ri_L if end_R == 1: self.Rbp_R = self.ri_R # # Ellipse conjugate points x,y zr12_L, alpha_L = self.abci.rz_conjug('left') # zr12_R first column is z , second column is r zr12_R, alpha_R = self.abci.rz_conjug('right') # zr12_R first column is z , second column is r zr12_M, alpha_M = self.abci.rz_conjug('mid') # zr12_R first column is z , second column is r if end_L == 2: zr12_BPL, alpha_BPL = self.abci.rz_conjug('left') # zr12_R first column is z , second column is r if end_R == 2: zr12_BPR, alpha_BPR = self.abci.rz_conjug('right') # zr12_R first column is z , second column is r # print("GUI_ABCI:: zr12_L", zr12_L) # print("GUI_ABCI:: zr12_R", zr12_R) # # print("GUI_ABCI:: zr12_BPL", zr12_BPL) # # print("GUI_ABCI:: zr12_BPR", zr12_BPR) # print("GUI_ABCI:: zr12_M", zr12_M) # # Write ABCI code # create folder for file output set self.createFolder(self.fid, projectDir, sub_dir, marker) # # write parameters to folder # if self.ui.cb_Only_Mid_Cells.checkState() == 2: # self.write_cst_paramters_mid(self.fid) # else: # self.write_cst_paramters(self.fid) # change save directory if sub_dir == '': run_save_directory = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{fid}' else: run_save_directory = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{sub_dir}\{fid}' fname = fr'{run_save_directory}\Cavity_MROT_{MROT}.abc' # print('filename:: ', fname) L_all_increment = 0 self.L_all = 0 # print(fname) with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write(' &FILE LSAV = .F., ITEST = 0, LREC = .F. &END \n') f.write(' SAMPLE INPUT #1 A SIMPLE CAVITY STRUCTURE \n') f.write(' &BOUN IZL = 3, IZR = 3 &END \n') f.write(' &MESH DDR = {}, DDZ = {} &END \n'.format(mesh_DDR, mesh_DDZ)) f.write(' #CAVITYSHAPE \n') f.write('0. \n') f.write('0.000 0.000\n') if end_L == 2: f.write('{} 0.000\n'.format(self.Rbp_L)) else: f.write('{} 0.000\n'.format(self.ri_L)) if self.WG_L > 0: if end_L == 2: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_L, self.WG_L - self.x_L)) else: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_L, self.WG_L)) if n == 1: for i_mode in range(1, module_nu+1): if i_mode > 0: if self.WG_L > 0: if end_L == 2: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_L, self.WG_L - self.x_L+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) else: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_L, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) if self.Req_L != self.Req_R: print('Error:: The equator radius of left and right cell are not equal') # if exist('L_M') != 1: # L_M = [] if end_L == 2: self.abci.abci_bp_L(n, zr12_BPL, self.WG_L+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) # print("GUI_ABCI::It got here") self.abci.abci_n1_L(n, zr12_L, self.WG_L+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) self.abci.abci_n1_R(n, zr12_R, self.WG_L+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) if end_R == 2: self.abci.abci_bp_R(n, zr12_BPR, self.WG_L+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) if self.WG_R > 0: if end_R == 2: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_R, self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) else: f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_R, self.WG_L+self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('0 {} \n'.format(self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R + (module_nu-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('0 0 \n') f.write('9999. 9999. \n') # # n>1 multi-cell cavity if n > 1: for i_mode in range(1, module_nu+1): # print("imode:", i_mode, i_mode) # change waveguide length if module_nu == 2: if i_mode == 1: self.WG_R = WG_M if i_mode == 2: self.WG_L = WG_M self.WG_R = 4*self.L_M elif module_nu > 2: if i_mode == 1: self.WG_R = WG_M elif 1 < i_mode < module_nu: self.WG_L = WG_M else: self.WG_R = 4*self.L_M # Total length of each cavity L_all_increment = self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R + 2 * (n - 1) * self.L_M # print(self.WG_L, self.WG_R, WG_M, self.L_all) if i_mode > 1: if self.WG_L > 0: if end_L == 2: # f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_L, self.WG_L - self.x_L # + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_L, self.WG_L - self.x_L + self.L_all)) else: # f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_L, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_L, self.WG_L + self.L_all)) if end_L == 2: # self.abci.abci_bp_L(n, zr12_BPL, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) self.abci.abci_bp_L(n, zr12_BPL, self.WG_L + self.L_all, f) # self.abci.abci_n1_L(n, zr12_L, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) self.abci.abci_n1_L(n, zr12_L, self.WG_L + self.L_all, f) for i in range(1, n): # self.abci.abci_M(n, zr12_M, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f, i, end_type) self.abci.abci_M(n, zr12_M, self.WG_L + self.L_all, f, i, end_type) # self.abci.abci_n1_R(n, zr12_R, self.WG_L + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) self.abci.abci_n1_R(n, zr12_R, self.WG_L + self.L_all, f) if end_R == 2: # self.abci.abci_bp_R(n, zr12_BPR, self.WG_R + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all, f) self.abci.abci_bp_R(n, zr12_BPR, self.WG_R + self.L_all, f) if self.WG_R > 0: if end_R == 2: # f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_R, self.WG_L + self.WG_R+ self.L_L + self.L_R # + 2*(n-1)*self.L_M+(i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.Rbp_R, self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R + 2*(n-1)*self.L_M+self.L_all)) else: # f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_R, self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L # + self.L_R+2*(n-1)*self.L_M + (i_mode-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('{} {} \n'.format(self.ri_R, self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R+2*(n-1)*self.L_M + self.L_all)) if i_mode < no_of_modules: self.L_all += L_all_increment # f.write('0 {} \n'.format(self.WG_L + self.WG_R+ self.L_L # + self.L_R+2*(n-1)*self.L_M+(module_nu-1)*self.L_all)) f.write('0 {} \n'.format(self.WG_L + self.WG_R + self.L_L + self.L_R+2*(n-1)*self.L_M+self.L_all)) f.write('0 0 \n') f.write('9999. 9999. \n') f.write(' &BEAM SIG = {}, MROT = {} &END \n'.format(SIG, MROT)) f.write(' &TIME MT = {} &END \n'.format(MT)) f.write(' &WAKE UBT = {} &END \n'.format(UBT)) f.write(' &WAKE &END \n') f.write(' &PLOT LCAVIN = .T., LCAVUS = .T., LPLW = .T., LFFT = .T., LSPEC = .T., ' 'LINTZ = .F., LPATH = .T., NFS = {} &END \n'.format(NFS)) f.write(' &PRIN LPRW = .T. ,LSVW = .T., LSVWL = .T., LSVF = .T. &END\n') f.write('\nSTOP\n') abci_path = os.getcwd() exe_path = os.path.join(abci_path, fr'{parentDir}\exe\ABCI_exe\ABCI_MP64+.exe') # print(exe_path)[exe_path, fr'{run_save_directory}\Cavity_MROT_{MROT}.abc'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL) # save json file shape = {'IC': list(mid_cells_par), 'OC': list(l_end_cell_par), 'OC_R': list(r_end_cell_par)} with open(fr"{run_save_directory}\geometric_parameters.json", 'w') as f: json.dump(shape, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
[docs] @staticmethod def createFolder(fid, projectDir, subdir='', marker=''): # path = os.path.join(path, f"{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{fid}{marker}") # if os.path.exists(path): # pass # else: # os.mkdir(path) # change save directory if subdir == '': path = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{fid}{marker}' if os.path.exists(path): pass else: os.mkdir(path) else: new_path = fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{subdir}{marker}\{fid}' if os.path.exists(fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{subdir}{marker}'): if os.path.exists(new_path): pass else: os.mkdir(new_path) else: os.mkdir(fr'{projectDir}\SimulationData\ABCI\{subdir}{marker}') os.mkdir(new_path)