Source code for node_editor.node_scene_history

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A module containing all code for working with History (Undo/Redo)
from node_editor.utils import dumpException

DEBUG = False

[docs]class SceneHistory(): """Class contains all the code for undo/redo operations""" def __init__(self, scene: 'Scene'): """ :param scene: Reference to the :class:`~node_editor.node_scene.Scene` :type scene: :class:`~nodeeditor.node_scene.Scene` :Instance Attributes: - **scene** - reference to the :class:`~node_editor.node_scene.Scene` - **history_limit** - number of history steps that can be stored """ self.scene = scene self.clear() self.history_limit = 32 self.undo_selection_has_changed = False # listeners self._history_modified_listeners = [] self._history_stored_listeners = [] self._history_restored_listeners = []
[docs] def clear(self): """Reset the history stack""" self.history_stack = [] self.history_current_step = -1
[docs] def storeInitialHistoryStamp(self): """Helper function usually used when new or open file requested""" self.storeHistory("Initial History Stamp")
[docs] def addHistoryModifiedListener(self, callback: 'function'): """ Register callback for `HistoryModified` event :param callback: callback function """ self._history_modified_listeners.append(callback)
[docs] def addHistoryStoredListener(self, callback: 'function'): """ Register callback for `HistoryStored` event :param callback: callback function """ self._history_stored_listeners.append(callback)
[docs] def addHistoryRestoredListener(self, callback: 'function'): """ Register callback for `HistoryRestored` event :param callback: callback function """ self._history_restored_listeners.append(callback)
[docs] def canUndo(self) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if Undo is available for current `History Stack` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.history_current_step > 0
[docs] def canRedo(self) -> bool: """ Return ``True`` if Redo is available for current `History Stack` :rtype: ``bool`` """ return self.history_current_step + 1 < len(self.history_stack)
[docs] def undo(self): """Undo operation""" if DEBUG: print("UNDO") if self.canUndo(): self.history_current_step -= 1 self.restoreHistory() self.scene.has_been_modified = True
[docs] def redo(self): """Redo operation""" if DEBUG: print("REDO") if self.canRedo(): self.history_current_step += 1 self.restoreHistory() self.scene.has_been_modified = True
[docs] def restoreHistory(self): """ Restore `History Stamp` from `History stack`. Triggers: - `History Modified` event - `History Restored` event """ if DEBUG: print("Restoring history", ".... current_step: @%d" % self.history_current_step, "(%d)" % len(self.history_stack)) self.restoreHistoryStamp(self.history_stack[self.history_current_step]) for callback in self._history_modified_listeners: callback() for callback in self._history_restored_listeners: callback()
[docs] def storeHistory(self, desc: str, setModified: bool=False): """ Store History Stamp into History Stack :param desc: Description of current History Stamp :type desc: ``str`` :param setModified: if ``True`` marks :class:`~node_editor.node_scene.Scene` with `has_been_modified` :type setModified: ``bool`` Triggers: - `History Modified` - `History Stored` """ if setModified: self.scene.has_been_modified = True if DEBUG: print("Storing history", '"%s"' % desc, ".... current_step: @%d" % self.history_current_step, "(%d)" % len(self.history_stack)) # if the pointer (history_current_step) is not at the end of history_stack if self.history_current_step+1 < len(self.history_stack): self.history_stack = self.history_stack[0:self.history_current_step+1] # history is outside of the limits if self.history_current_step+1 >= self.history_limit: self.history_stack = self.history_stack[1:] self.history_current_step -= 1 hs = self.createHistoryStamp(desc) self.history_stack.append(hs) self.history_current_step += 1 if DEBUG: print(" -- setting step to:", self.history_current_step) # always trigger history modified (for i.e. updateEditMenu) for callback in self._history_modified_listeners: callback() for callback in self._history_stored_listeners: callback()
[docs] def captureCurrentSelection(self) -> dict: """ Create dictionary with a list of selected nodes and a list of selected edges :return: ``dict`` 'nodes' - list of selected nodes, 'edges' - list of selected edges :rtype: ``dict`` """ sel_obj = { 'nodes': [], 'edges': [], } for item in self.scene.grScene.selectedItems(): if hasattr(item, 'node'): sel_obj['nodes'].append( elif hasattr(item, 'edge'): sel_obj['edges'].append( return sel_obj
[docs] def createHistoryStamp(self, desc: str) -> dict: """ Create History Stamp. Internally serialize whole scene and the current selection :param desc: Descriptive label for the History Stamp :return: History stamp serializing state of `Scene` and current selection :rtype: ``dict`` """ history_stamp = { 'desc': desc, 'snapshot': self.scene.serialize(), 'selection': self.captureCurrentSelection(), } return history_stamp
[docs] def restoreHistoryStamp(self, history_stamp: dict): """ Restore History Stamp to current `Scene` with selection of items included :param history_stamp: History Stamp to restore :type history_stamp: ``dict`` """ if DEBUG: print("RHS: ", history_stamp['desc']) try: self.undo_selection_has_changed = False previous_selection = self.captureCurrentSelection() if DEBUG_SELECTION: print("selected nodes before restore:", previous_selection['nodes']) self.scene.deserialize(history_stamp['snapshot']) # restore selection # first clear all selection on edges for edge in self.scene.edges: edge.grEdge.setSelected(False) # now restore selected edges from history_stamp for edge_id in history_stamp['selection']['edges']: for edge in self.scene.edges: if == edge_id: edge.grEdge.setSelected(True) break # first clear all selection on nodes for node in self.scene.nodes: node.grNode.setSelected(False) # now restore selected nodes from history_stamp for node_id in history_stamp['selection']['nodes']: for node in self.scene.nodes: if == node_id: node.grNode.setSelected(True) break current_selection = self.captureCurrentSelection() if DEBUG_SELECTION: print("selected nodes after restore:", current_selection['nodes']) # reset the last_selected_items - since we're comparing change to the last_selected state self.scene._last_selected_items = self.scene.getSelectedItems() # if the selection of nodes differ before and after restoration, set flag if current_selection['nodes'] != previous_selection['nodes'] or current_selection['edges'] != previous_selection['edges']: if DEBUG_SELECTION: print("\nSCENE: Selection has changed") self.undo_selection_has_changed = True except Exception as e: dumpException(e)